Union Join and Subset Graph of Acyclic Hypergraphs

Goal of this project is to implement the algorithms in my paper [5]. It investigates the two problems of computing the union join graph as well as computing the subset graph for acyclic hypergraphs and their subclasses.

The union join graph $G$ of a given acyclic hypergraph $H$ is the union of all its join trees. That is, each vertex of $G$ represents a hyperedge of $H$ and two vertices of $G$ are adjacent if there exits a join tree $T$ for $H$ such that the corresponding hyperedges are adjacent in $T$.

The subset graph of a hypergraph $H$ is a directed graph $G$ where each vertex represents a hyperedge of $H$ and there is a directed edge from a vertex $u$ to a vertex $v$ if the hyperedge corresponding to $u$ is a subset of the hyperedge corresponding to $v$.

Computing the Subset Graph

A core part of the algorithms in [5] is the computation of a subset graph. Indeed, most algorithms to compute union join graphs use a subset graph algorithm. The paper presents such algorithms for β-acyclic, γ-acyclic, and interval hypergraphs. For α-acylic hypergraphs, however, we need a subset graph algorithm for general graphs. We also need such an algorithm to test our implementation.

Pritchard [6] present algorithms in their paper which compute the subset graph for an arbitrary hypergraph. They start with a simple, high-level algorithm and then modify it two times with the goal of improving the runtime. Pritchard shows that the runtime with all these modifications is in $\mathcal{O} \bigl( N^2 \log \log N / \log^2 N \bigr)$.

Runtime tests clearly show that Pritchard’s approach (even in its simplest form) is much faster than a naive implementation. Using reduced sets then gives an additional improvement.

Computing a Union Join Graph

To verify the correctnes of a computed union join graph, we use an approach which is based on Kruskal’s MST algorithm. That approach was suggested in [1]. To do so, we first compute the weighted linegraph $L$ of a given hypergraph. We then use a modification of Kruskal’s algorithm to compute the union of all maximum spanning trees of $L$.

The algorithm is surprisingly fast. Most-likely, due to the simplicity and efficiency of Kruskal’s algorithm.

“Parsing” Hypergraphs

For each class of hypergraphs, it is importatn that we determine a characteristig property, order, or structure of a given hypergraph. That include a join tree for α- and β-acylic hypergraphs, a pruning sequence for γ-acyclic hypergraphs, and a join path for interval hypergraphs.

To compute a join tree, we use the algorithm from [7].

An algorithm for computing a pruning sequence is given in [2]. Their algorithm relies on the recognition of cographs. To do that, we use an algorithm from [4].

To compute the join path of an interval hypergraph, we use the algorithm presented in [3].


[1] A. Berry, G. Simonet: Computing the atom graph of a graph and the union join graph of a hypergraph. arXiv 1607.02911, 2016.

[2] G. Damiand, M. Habib, C. Paul: A simple paradigm for graph recognition: application to cographs and distance hereditary graphs. Theoretical Computer Science 263, 99-111, 2001.

[3] M. Habib, R. McConnell, C. Paul, L. Viennot: Lex-BFS and partition refinement, with applicationsto transitive orientation, interval graph recognition and consecutive ones testing. Theoretical Computer Science 234, 59-84, 2000.

[4] M. Habib, C. Paul: A simple linear time algorithm for cograph recognition. Discrete Applied Mathematics 145, 183-197, 2005.

[5] A. Leitert: Computing the Union Join and Subset Graph of Acyclic Hypergraphs in Subquadratic Time. arXiv 2104.06636, 2021.

[6] P. Pritchard: A Fast Bit-Parallel Algorithm for Computing the Subset Partial Order. Algorithmica 24, 76-86, 1999.

[7] R.E. Tarjan, M. Yannakakis: Simple Linear-Time Algorithms to Test Chordality of Graphs, Test Acyclicity of Hypergraphs, and Selectively Reduce Acyclic Hypergraphs. SIAM J. Comput. 13 (3), 566–579, 1984.